Kazue Sako

Kazue Sako

Professor, Waseda University
Vice Chair, MyDataJapan
Kazue Sako studies cryptographic protocols that enhance privacy and fairness, e.g. voting protcols, lottery systems and blockchain architecture. In order to promote the use of anonymous authentication, she edited two standardization documents at ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27. She served as Program co-Chair/ Chair for ASIACRYPT 2012, 2013, CT-RSA conference 2016, Financial Cryptography 2018, PKC 2019, and ESORICS 2019. She is a vice chair of MyDataJapan, advocating the vision of individuals controlling their own data and being empowered by them. She is a JSIAM fellow and member of the Science Council of Japan. She serves for Financial System Council at FSA.